Cheap dentist croatia free quote
Cheap dentist croatia
Cheap dentist croatia


Your first appointment is free and includes panoramic radiography and digital photographs

The first appointment is fundamental to assess the state of health of your teeth and to establish a resolved care plan for existing problems or for preventing manifested pathological tendencies.

At Dentalsan Clinic the first appointment is free, no obligation and it includes:

  • assessment of current condition of teeth,
  • evaluation of chewing,
  • evaluation of gums and oral mucosa,
  • digital panoramic x-ray (ortopantomography),
  • digital photography,,
  • drawing up a personalized care plan,
  • quote.
Despite the considerable savings (up to 70%) over the average Italian dental price list, Dentalsan Clinic reserves special discounts for:
Il The team of Dentalsan Clinic is also available to arrange your transfer from Italy and stay in Croatia to seek care, a stay that can be extended for relaxation by taking advantage of a series of advantageous partner offers for trips in coach, hotels, motels, apartments and rooms.